Monochromatic Shades

The Big Announcement!!

Hello Peeps,

Over the past few days I’ve been worked up about a couple of things and by things I mean Im planning on starting my own little baking business (yay!!) where I manage nibbles and desserts for cocktail parties, high teas and well other parties and Im calling my little business High Tea. Its something I’ve wanted to do for a while and I thought about it and thought about it but never did much about it. So finally with the help of my boys who have been motivating me and pushing me to start this endeavour of mine, I’ve managed to plan out a couple of things, starting with the oh so important LOGO and the even more important THE MENU.


Thats the logo but I still need to change the colours so this is just a rough draft of what it would be.

The menu will need some work and for that I will be organizing a little, um.. well, predictably named ‘High Tea’ party for a couple of people where they can taste everything on the menu and mark cute little stars or tick marks (I havnt decided yet) to the dishes they liked and I’ll start with 5 dishes that get the most likes and gradually add some more to the list. Also at a later stage Im planning on having more such tasting sessions at a much larger scale. That way I can get the word out too. Your suggestions are most welcome. Also, If you are in Sydney on the 13th of October and you’d like to come to the tasting session, please let me know by the 08th of October by leaving me a comment in the comment section with your name, email and contact number along with the number of persons wanting to attend the session and I’ll let you know the details of the time and venue by 10th October.


Till then Spread the Yummies!!!

One comment on “The Big Announcement!!

  1. Krutarth Shah
    September 23, 2012

    Congrats Mel…
    Good to know you starting with yummie baking business

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This entry was posted on September 23, 2012 by in Personal.